Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.

Axon 404


A simple and easy to use custom 404 page, or basic 404 to home page redirect.


Using FTP:
1. Upload the “Axon-404” folder to your plugins folder(../wp-content/plugins)
2. Go to your admin panel > Plugins > and hit activate.

From the Repository:
1. Go to your admin panel > Plugins > Add New
2. Search for “Axon 404”
3. Hit install, then activate.


  1. What do I need to do, to make the plugin work?
    By default the plugin will redirect all 404s to the home page. If you want to redirect your 404s to a custom page, all you need to do is create a new page with the slug “axon”.
    Important! You need to set the permalinks to post name, to get this feature to work.

  2. Can do I customize to Axon page?
    The page is like any other standard WordPress page, so any builder or custom content will work normally.

  3. Will there be a control panel for the plugin?
    Yes, the next version of the plugin will include a control panel from which you will be able to customize every aspect of the plugin.


No hi ha ressenyes per a aquesta extensió.

Col·laboradors i desenvolupadors

«Axon 404» és programari de codi obert. La següent gent ha col·laborat en aquesta extensió.
