Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.

Flag Icons


This plugin helps you to add the flag icons with the targeted links on your site by choosing desired position or using a shortcode.

Version 2 supports Google Translate ICON !

You just have to select position,flag and add the link!

Flags Icons: English, Bosnia, Nepal, Klingon, Iceland, Switzerland, Mongolia, Moldova, Greece, Belgium, EU, UAE, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Brazil, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Argentina, Finland, Norway, Germany, Spain, Wales, Ireland, Romania, India, Hungary, Portugal, Usa, Turkey, Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, France, Italy, Netherlands, s. Korea, China, Czech , Cyprus, Russia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Denmark, Bulgaria , Canada, Dominician Republic, Croatia, Egypt, New Zealand, Myanmar, Algeria, Australia, Esperado, Iran, Iraq, Catalan, Taiwav, Albania, Morocco, Palestine, Luxembourg, Mexico, Vietnam, Azerbaijan,Belarus,Cambodia,Libya,Ethiopia, Luxembourg, Afghanistan, Aruba, Georgia, Haiti, Kuwait, Malta, paraguay, Peru, South-Africa, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Pakistan, Australia, Austria, Tunisia and Poland.

Arbitrary section 1

Thanks for using! Its my first plugin i hope it will help!





  1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Goto settings -> Language Icon Switcher for options.

For Multisite:

  1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Deactive in the netweork dashboard
  4. Activate in seperate site.
  5. Goto settings -> Language Icon Switcher for options for each site.


My language is not there, what can i do?

You can send me in to add your country flag to the new version!



22 de novembre de 2018
Everything what I need i found in this plugin 🙂 Its easy to use 🙂 It could be beter with possibility to edit how much pixels it is from top, left,right,.. Now I use CSS editor for it :/
28 de maig de 2018
Very good plugin guys. Thanks. Maybe i found a little bug. When I put the flags in numerical order they displayed, from the largest number to the smallest. I put this snippet in a file «result.php» and it works like a charm 😊 $reverse=array_reverse($options_order); $preserve=array_reverse($options_order,true); arsort($preserve); Cheers.
26 de maig de 2018
Flag Icons is the perfect solution when you don’t want to use one of the big language packages. Easy functionality. Set a few settings, add the link to the page a flag should direct to and ready. Support is great. Runs good on WordPress 4.9.6.
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