Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.

Miraget B2B Leads generation


MiragetLeads is a powerful free open-source plugin for B2B websites which performs data capture on users visiting your website anonymously.

The plugin helps to reveal the identity of their companies and their public contact details when available and displays the data within WordPress in real time, there is no need to login to an external platform to check your leads.

Increase your online ROI by getting more leads out of your site. Additionally you can improve relationships with your current clients by setting alerts as they visit your website and understand what they might be interested in to cross-sell additional product or service offerings.


The first free wordpress B2B leads generator that converts anonymous visitors to identified leads by revealing the identity of their companies and their public contact details.


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  • screenshot4.png
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Go to the Plugins Menu in WordPress
Search for “MiragetLeads”
Click “Install”
Then activate it, and you will receive automatically* a new Token for using the plugin for free.
Now in the left panel, you will see a new ”MiragetLeads” entry where you can check the main page that displays the visitors.

*In order to automatically receive your token curl must be enabled in your host.


Is the plugin free?
Yes the plugin is free to download, however the free version is limited in the number of leads it can generate per month.

Do I need to login to an external website to view my leads?
No you don’t need to do that, all your leads are stored within your website.

Does the plugin slow-down my website loading time or affect my SEO?
No, the plugin executes the API calls once the pages have loaded (delayed calls). By doing that it does not affect the loading time of your website’s pages and SEO.

Is the plugin data secure and GDPR compliant ?
Yes, the plugin shows only publicly available company data and stores your leads with WordPress locally.

Can I enrich my data with external sources?
Yes, we offer data enrichment services, that adds more information about your leads such as country, city, company related data etc


24 de abril de 2019
we did tried and it’s working great for ip reverse tracking
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