

Aquesta extensió s’ha tancat a partir de 5 de febrer de 2025 i no està disponible per a la seva descàrrega. Aquest tancament és permanent. Motiu: Sol·licitud de l’autor.


20 de març de 2023
Makes you go through all the hassle of topping up £20 for a plugin you can’t use
5 de desembre de 2022
Tried to setup and failed. says API Clint id and and password is wrong which not. Tried to change the password and failed to again. this plug-in is 2 year old !
16 de juliol de 2021
I installed the plugin but it’s not working, it keeps asking me for the delivery street over and over again. A shame as I would love to use Parcel 2 Go
31 de juliol de 2019
Poorly designed UI. Returns error when “Enable insurance” is checked. Weight is set to 0kg on quote page even though the Account Defaults are set properly. If you manage to get a quote it gives you a random Total Cost. For example; Weight/Size; 5 kg 30x40x30cm Insurance; no Postcodes; UK address to UK address Service chosen; DPD Drop Off £6.84 Total Cost displayed; £37.64 TLDR; Don’t bother or get excited. Just like “SmartSend” it is entirely useless. Stick to uploading CSV.
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«Parcel2Go Shipping» és programari de codi obert. La següent gent ha col·laborat en aquesta extensió.
