Welcome to AdamLabs Portfolio! Here you are able to build remarkable portfolio galleries and do it in a terrific way… Instead of using various complicated plugins with small feature support, you should try out AdamLabs Portfolio Gallery.
You might ask, “ What Do I Get ?”. The answer is plain, you will be free to build in your galleries from WP media, posts, pages, YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Behance. What else do you need?
Using plugin is pretty simple. Build, make changes, save, duplicate shortcode and place it on your WordPress website. The image gallery loading process will take no time and the galleries will appear responsively.
Let’s jump into portfolio superb functionalities.
Plugin Demos
- Demo 1 » Masonry with Lightbox
- Demo 2 » Instagram
- Demo 3 » Image & Content Portfolio
- Demo 4 » Vimeo Gallery
- Demo 5 » YouTube Gallery
Firstly select a root from 3 portfolio source types: 1)Post, Pages, 2)Custom Grid (Editor Above) 3) Stream
1. Post, Pages, Custom Posts
If you have developed various pages and you’d like to demonstrate all of them on the same page, than image gallery plugin by Adamlabs is absolutely for you. You have an option to pick up from posts and pages of your website. Find and include your posts/pages by categories and tags. Furthermore select them with the secondary parameters. The portfolio simply triggers the featured images and its links for each post or page, and you get your content.
You are able to pick out portfolio gallery’s maximum post quantity and the maximum post preview. Besides, select the image source type for both Desktop and Mobile.
2)Custom Grid
Plugin gives you a custom editor to include any item in one gallery. This is a great way to display a project from various aspects, including its images, videos, audios and portfolios.
Adding YouTube Content
- Import YouTube content with YouTube ID
- Select featured images for YouTube videos
- Pick out the element ratio
- Link the element to any URL
- Include filters separated by commas
- Choose cobble element sizes of the YouTube
- Pick between 5 templates
- Adjust the template and its colors
- Include Item Data for SEO (title, alt. Image, caption, etc.)
- Make certain of the grid
- Write a title for YouTube videos
- Make certain of the video gallery item’s image fit
- Pick the Photo Repeat Type
- Pick out horizontal align positions
- Pick out from vertical align positions
Adding Vimeo Videos
- Import Vimeo videos to video gallery with Vimeo ID
- Add the featured image to videos
- Pick the element ratio
- Link the component to any URL
- Include filters and separate them in commas
- Choose cobble element sizes of the Vimeo
- Pick between 5 templates
- Adjust the template and its colors
- Include Item Data for SEO (title, alt. Image, caption, Date, etc.)
- Choose the grid
- Choose the item’s image fit
- Pick Image Repeat Type
- Select from horizontal align positions
- Pick from vvertical align positions
Adding Your Own MP4 File
- Upload The MP4 file On Your Media
- Add the MP4 file
- Add the OGV file
- Add WEBM file
- Pick the element ratio
- Link the element to any URL
- Create filters by separating them with commas
- Choose cobble element sizes of the MP4
- Select between 5 templates
- Adjust the template and its colors
- Add Item Data for SEO (title, alt. Image, caption, Date, etc.)
- Choose the grid
- Choose the video gallery item’s image fit
- Pick Image Repeat Type
- Pick from horizontal align positions
- Pick from vertical align positions
Addition of Limitless Images
- Choose to add single or bulk photos
- Pick out the image/images and add them
- Link the photo of your to any URL
- Add filters separated in commas
- Choose cobble element sizes
- Select between 5 photo gallery templates
- Adjust the template and its colors
- Add Item Data for SEO (title, alt. Image, caption, Date, etc.)
- Choose the grid
- Select post URL
- Select post content
- Write the author’s name of the photo
- Link to the author’s website of the photo
- Add the post ID of the image
- Add the likes of the photo gallery post
- Pick the image gallery item’s image fit
- Select Image Repeat Type
- Pick horizontal align position
- Pick vertical align position
Adding Your Favorite SoundCloud Music
- Add Soundcloud track ID
- Pick Image for Soundcloud track
- Pick video ratio for track
- Link the track to any URL
- Add filters separated by commas
- Choose cobble element sizes of the MP3
- Select from 5 templates
- Adjust the template and its colors
- Add Item Data for SEO (title, alt. Image, caption, Date, etc.)
- Choose the grid
- Choose the item’s image fit
- Select Image Repeat Type
- Pick from horizontal align positions
- Select fromvertical align positions
Adding Simple Content
- Link to any URL you want
- Add filters separated by commas
- Choose cobble element sizes
- Choose an alternative template
- Adjust the template and its colors
- Add Item Data for SEO (title, alt. Image, caption, Date, etc.)
- Choose the grid
- Pick post URL
- Pick Photo Gallery post content
- Write the author’s name
- Give link to the photo
- Add up the post ID of the image
- Include the likes of the photo gallery post
- Pick image fit item
- Pick photo Repeat Type
- Pick out horizontal align from positions
- Pick out vertical align from positions
Stream source gives the most wanted features to WordPress users. Adding projects and portfolio with most Famous providers will take only several minutes. You will get access to; image gallery providers, (such as Instagram, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter) video gallery providers, (such as YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and a provider (Behance).
YouTube Video
To create a YouTube stream, one needs to:
- Add YouTube Api Key,
- Add YouTube Channel ID,
- Choose a video gallery source (channel, overview playlists and single playlist) ,
- Choose grid image size,
- Choose Full Image size
- Select Count Number
- Customize stream cache quantity per second
- Add video gallery default image
Time to construct your Vimeo:
- Choose the video gallery stream from videos of: User, Album, Group, or Channel(add the required field to add the videos )
- Select between 3 grid image sizes(100px, 200px, 640px)
- Customize Count Number
- Customize stream cache quantity per second
- Add Vimeo video gallery default image
Instagram field on your website is no longer an issue.
Let’s see what you get:
- Option to add images/ videos from People, Tags and Places
- Add images to your from multiple Instagram users
- Option to create image gallery from instagram tags
- Option to create from IG tags
- Option to create from Instagram Places
- Option to create video gallery from IG Places
- Option to customize grid image size
- 3 Full Image sizes
- Option to customize the Count Number
- Option to customize stream cache quantity per second
- Option to add default image
Flickr is one of the most famous image gallery sources all over the world. People get inspired here or showcase their photography talent by adding their portfolios.
Flickr characteristics:
- To create Flickr image gallery add Flickr Api Key
- Select Flickr Source (User Public Photos, User Photoset, Photo Gallery, Groups Photos)
- To generate images for your photo gallery add the required URL
- Customize grid image size in pixels
- Customize full image size
- Adjust Count Number
- Modify steam cache per sec
- Add default image
Facebook timeline, albums and pages are the thing you cherish the most. Adding them on WordPress website is one of the features of plugin.
Add facebook images to your with these simple steps:
- Add Facebook App ID
- Add App Secret
- Attach Facebook Page
- Select the source type (Album, Timeline)
- Adjust photo gallery Count Number
- Modify steam cache per sec
- Add photo gallery default image
Having a twitter account is essential for any business. Showcasing your twitter feed on your WP website will help plugin.
Here are the top-notch options for Twitter portfolio:
- Add Twitter Consumer Key
- Connect Twitter Consumer Secret
- Add access token
- Add Twitter Access Secret
- Add the Username for Twitter stream portfolio
- Include/Exclude Text Tweet
- Include/Exclude Retweets
- Include/Exclude Replies
- Modify Count Number
- Modify photo gallery steam cache per sec
- Add default image
Behance is one of top-rank image gallery boards for designers, photographers ao have a Behance on your WordPress website is trouble-free.
Here are Behance options:
- Add Behance portfolio on your plugin with Api Key
- Connect with Behance with user ID
- Show portfolio project overview
- Show single project from Behance
- Modify Count Number
- Modify steam cache per sec
- Add default image
**Layout Options **
Edit layouts in just two steps.
- Select layout skin background color
- Choose from image gallery’s 8 skins
- Edit the skin navigation CSS
- Create new skin file
- Delete existing image gallery skin files
- Edit templates
Template Options
Choose Grid layout type
- Select even layout type and position
- Select media repeat type
- Choose between portfolio layout’s media fit types
- Choose how to align layout vertically and horizontally
- Customize the ratio X and ratio Y positions
- Select split item position
- Edit masonry layout
- Select position of fixed content
- Select media repeat type
- Choose between media fit types
- Select media align vertical and horizontal
- Choose split item type
Let’s customize the layout cover
- Pick cover type
- Pick out from blend mode types
- Select color cover background
- Permit always visible on desktop
- Permit always visible on mobile
Customize the spaces of full item and content:
- Choose item BG color
- Customize the portfolio item paddings
- Customize the borders
- Choose the portfolio border radius
- Pick photo gallery border color
- Choose portfolio’s border style
- Permit or disable overflow hidden
Layout Shadows
- Pick out from 4 portfolio shadows
- Choose the layout shadow color
- Choose portfolio shadow in pixels
- Permit insert style
- Permit portfolio animate on hover
Layout Animation
Pick and customize portfolio layout’s cover animation
Pick and customize group animation
Pick and customize portfolio media animation
Permit alt image on hover
Add link for portfolio SEO
Besides all of these functionalities you are able to customize other layer settings, styles and item layout.
Aquesta extensió proporciona 1 bloc.
- Add prefined Portfolio Gallery
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Registre de canvis
- Admin style changes for better User Experience
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed plugin description wrong information
- Admin side style changes
- Fixed skins page issue which was causing erros.
- Performance issues solved.
- Minor performance improvements and bug fixes.
- Critical error hotfix
- Fix security issues
- Fix security issues
- Fixed gpl compatibility issues
- Hotfix for uninstall error
- Changes to admin editing screen and optimizations.