Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.

Post Type Icons


Does the pushpin not describe your custom post type? Here are hundreds more icons to choose from. Icons are the GPL-compatible Font Awesome Icons.

This is the same icon features that comes with SuperCPT 0.2+, but pulled out of the plugin for those crazy birds who don’t use it.

This adds a function you can use, pti_set_post_type_icon( $post_type, $icon ); to set your post type’s icon. For instance, pti_set_post_type_icon( 'event', 'calendar' );. You can also set the global variable $pti_icons as an array of post type => icon names. Using the global variable is safer, since it doesn’t rely on a function (you could of course call if ( function_exists( 'pti_set_post_type_icons' ) ) to be equally safe using the function).


  • An example of a couple of icons next to the “Post” icon in a normal state
  • An example of a couple of icons next to the “Post” icon in a hover/active state


  1. Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Figure out which icon you want to use. Go to Tools → Post Type Icons page for a reference.
  4. In your theme or a plugin, set the icons in one of the following ways:
    a. Call the function pti_set_post_type_icon( $post_type, $icon_name );, e.g. pti_set_post_type_icon( 'event', 'calendar' );
    b. Using the global variable $pti_icons, set the array key => value pair such that 'post_type' => 'icon-name', e.g. $GLOBALS['pti_icons']['event'] = 'calendar';


Do I have to write code/edit my theme to use this plugin?

For now, yes. The next version will come with a GUI.

Does this do anything besides add icons?

Not at all! If you want more functionality, check out SuperCPT, which helps you create custom post types, custom taxonomies, and add meta boxes.

I set my icons and they’re never going to change. Is there a way to remove the plugin overhead and make it static?

Sure thing! The plugin pretty much just adds CSS to the admin which get added to the document head. Move those to your theme/plugin (not your main style.css since this is the admin panel, you’ll need an admin-only CSS file). You can leave the paths the same if you don’t plan on uninstalling the plugin (you can still deactivate the plugin). If you want to uninstall it, you’ll have to copy the fonts to your theme/plugin and change the paths in the CSS.

I don’t want my client seeing the Post Type Icons page in the admin, can I remove it?

Yes. Add add_filter( 'pti_plugin_show_admin_menu', '__return_false' ); in your theme/plugin.


7 de febrer de 2017
I’m using MP6 in my admin pannel and I don’t like to use WP super CPT, I’ve been looking for this type of plugin, this is great Work, Thank you
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Col·laboradors i desenvolupadors

«Post Type Icons» és programari de codi obert. La següent gent ha col·laborat en aquesta extensió.


Registre de canvis


  • Fixing issue with multiple post types


  • Readme update


  • FontAwesome 4.0.3 update
  • Fixed PHP 5.2 error


Removed assets from trunk