Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.

Send to Mpesa Payment Gateway


Most WooCommerce users who want to receive payment via Mpesa do not have the PayBill or Till number.  

This plugin is designed to allow such users to receive payment from customers who want to send the payment to the business or personal phone number.

In the settings page you can add the instructions to your customers to allow them to make payments by sending to the store number or your Safaricom number.

The checkout provides the three important fields (customer name, customer mobile number and the Mpesa transaction code ) for MANUAL confirmation of the payment. 

Note: This is a MANUAL – Send Money to Mpesa as a payment method. This plugin does not have the API verification


This plugin does not have any relation with WooCommerce or M-PESA trademarks or brands. It is provided for the sole purpose of connecting WooCommerce to the Mpesa payment.


  • Checkout Send Payment to Mpesa frontend – details and form.
  • Send to Mpesa payment gateway enable settings page.
  • Customizable options for Send to Mpesa payment gateway.
  • Validation errors for empty fields for the Mpesa payment.
  • Disabled option for the Send to Mpesa payment gateway on payments gateway page.
  • Frontend illustration of payment gateway
  • Order page with the payment details from Mpesa Transaction.


Instructions on how to install the plugin and get it working:

  1. Upload send-to-mpesa-payment.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to the WooCommerce Settings > Payments tab and set the default values for your Mpesa number and the name that customers see on the transaction.


Does this plugin work with WooCommerce only?

Yes, this is a custom WooCommerce payment gateway that will not work without WooCommerce.

How do you change the phone number displayed on the checkout form ?

You can change the phone number displayed on checkout from by editing Mpesa Recipient Number in the settings

Does it support Mpesa Till and Paybill API ?

No, this is a plugin for direct payments by sending money from one customer number to the store owner number or business phone number. The most basic way to send payment from one person to another using Mpesa send money feature.


26 de març de 2022 1 resposta
Good effort. Sad that it doesn’t authenticate the details supplied. You can enter the wrong phone number and any Mpesa transaction code and get your order processed. I’d therefore discourage using this on platforms selling digital products where the customer gains access immediately after clicking the checkout button
1 de gener de 2021
Came across this plugin when trying to set up a small ecommerce site. I was looking for an MPESA payment gateway and was only able to find plugins that require you to pay upwards of 5k to integrate with your site. This plugin gave me a solution especially considering i was just starting and a simple and free plugin would be of great help. So this plugin enables you to provide payment details in the check out page. A customer sends money to your number then confirms the details on the form provided before the order goes through. The challenge with the plugin however it cannot confirm the details provided in real time. You have to log into your dashboard and confirm the payment. So it is very crucial to have the order move to ‘processing’ status instead of ‘completed’ status which allows customers who haven’t really paid to download digital product files if available. To do this add, this code to your child theme functions.php //change order status from completed to processing to allow for manual payment confirmation add_action( ‘woocommerce_order_status_completed’, ‘completed_to_processing’); function completed_to_processing($order_id){ $order = new WC_Order($order_id); $order->update_status(‘processing’); } Otherwise, all is good.
16 de maig de 2020
A long overdue solution to Small and medium businesses. Another great product from Joe Njenga . Implementing it , so far so good. Consider rolling it to entire WordPress not only woocommerce.
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Tested with WooCommerce Version 7.7.2 and updated to version 1.0.1


Initial release