Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.

Simple Display For Woocommerce Reviews


The Simple Display For Woocommerce Reviews is a simple widget to display Woocommerce reviews with AJAX method. You can set the options
of this plugin to fetch the reviews of the products based on their categories, their tags or their authors. Also, it has different options to set
the ordering type, length of the reviews, number of the reviews, etc. Using AJAX method for loading more reviews has improved the performance of
this plugin. It is very flexible with customizable settings ( See screenshot images ).

This plugin has been tested with WordPress 4.9.x

Some Features of this plugin:

  1. Displaying reviews based on selected tags, categories and authors

  2. Gainig AJAX method for loading more reviews

  3. Easy to use

  4. Customizable settings

  5. Limiting the number of reviews

  6. Ordering reviews based on post created date, comment created date, post rating, comment rating, reviews count, total sales and product price.

  7. Limiting the length of reviews

  8. Custom text for readmore links.

  9. Using a pretty style for displaying the items.

    Settings of the Widget:

    1. Title: A title for widget.Leave it empty if you don’t like to show the title.

    2. Tags: Fetch the reviews of the posts contain selected tags.

    3. Categories: Select some categories to fetch reviews of their posts.

    4. Authors: If the authors of the posts are selected users, then fetch posts reviews.

    5. Count: Number of reviews are shown at first before loading more reviews.

    6. Limit Review Length: Number of words for truncating posts descriptions.

    7. Order By: Ordering type.

    8. Order: Determine to order reviews ascending or descending.

    9. Readmore Text: A text for readmore button.

    10. Width and height for avatar image.

    Other options are used for showing or hiding reviews items.

    To edit CSS codes:

    Important CSS classes:

    .sdfwr_infoblock: The CSS class for the container of text element.( If you don’t like to show avatars, change it’s width value)

    .sdfwravatar: The CSS class for container of avatar image.

    .sdfwrauthor: The CSS class for author span.

    .sdfwremail: The CSS class for email span.

    .sdfwrdate: The CSS class for date span.

    .star-rating: The CSS class for rating stars.

    .sdfwrlink: The CSS class container for post link and it’s text.

    .simple_display p: You can style the reviews text with this.

    .sdfwr_readmore: The CSS class for read more link.

    .sdfwr_load: The CSS class for load more button.

This plugin has been tested with WordPress 4.9.x


  • Settings of the widget in admin panel.
  • Output in first review
  • Loading more reviews
  • Adding one more review


Upload Simple Display For Woocommerce Reviews plugin to your blog, Activate it. Then, set it’s options in widgets section.


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«Simple Display For Woocommerce Reviews» és programari de codi obert. La següent gent ha col·laborat en aquesta extensió.


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First release