Widget to display a summary of answers you have posted in StackOverflow ( It will display
the question’s title, the answer’s score, and the time the answer was last edited.
You can limit the number of questions displaying and sort the list based on:
- Highest score.
- Oldest answer.
- Newest answer.
ps. The widget uses StackOverflow API version 2.2.
The content of this widget is cached and updated every day.
- json_decode must be available.
- PHP5 or higher
- Upload plugin folder to the wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Go to plugin page in WordPress, and click “Activate”
- Go to widgets page in WordPress and drag StackOverflow Answers Widget to a widget area.
- Set configuration
a. Set widget title.
b. User number can be found in profile URL ([Your User Number]/[Your Username])
c. Set number of questions to show.
d. Set how you want to sort the list.
Col·laboradors i desenvolupadors
«StackOverflow Answers Widget» és programari de codi obert. La següent gent ha col·laborat en aquesta extensió.
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Registre de canvis
0.2 Use htmlspecialchars for question title
0.3 Fixed incorrect plugin folder name
0.4 Fixed bug in display.php & use h2 tag for the heading
0.5 Multiple widgets in a page can have different StackOverflow account
Minor bug fixes
0.6 Uses StackOverflow API version 2.2.
0.7 Minor bug fixes