Etiqueta d’extensions: GDPR
Tiles Proxy for OpenStreetMap
(0 puntuacions totals)Tiles Proxy for OpenStreetMap provides a basic proxy, which allows other OpenStreetMap plugins to load map tiles from your server instead from OpenStr …
Klaro Consent Manager
(3 puntuacions totals)This lightweight plugin will help you make your website fully compatible with last EU GDPR policies.
Simple Cookie Control
(5 puntuacions totals)A simple banner to inform users that your site uses cookies and blocks them until the visitor accepts.
Email Blaster Newsletter Signup Form
(4 puntuacions totals)Email subscribe forms for your website. Send HTML email marketing (newsletters). GDPR compliant, UK based email marketing and email automation.
GDPR & DSGVO Compliant Maps | GeoUNIT Maps
(3 puntuacions totals)The easiest Maps plugin! Display a secure map with Gutenberg,Elementor or shortcodes without cookies or any 2-click solution,making it user-friendly.
(6 puntuacions totals)A lightweight and easy-to-use tool to help you with your GDPR compliance tasks.
Cookie Consent for GDPR/CCPA | Securiti
(14 puntuacions totals)Award-winning Cookie Consent plugin that allows you to generate Cookie Banner, Notice & Policy for your website. Supports GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA and e …
GDPR Cache Scripts & Styles
(1 puntuacions totals)Greatly enhances privacy of your website by embedding external scripts and styles.
TicketMachine Event Manager & Calendar
(7 puntuacions totals)Easily create, manage and share your events with TicketMachine
Beetle Tracking – Cloudflare Zaraz for WordPress
(4 puntuacions totals)Track Key Events and Parameters on WordPress Effortlessly with Cloudflare Zaraz's Real Edge Server-Side Tracking Technology.
WP GDPR Cookie Consent
(0 puntuacions totals)The Most Light-Weight, Simple and Complete GDPR Cookie Consent WP Plugin.
bbPress GDPR
(4 puntuacions totals)bbPress GDPR helps website owners to comply with European privacy regulations (GDPR).
Google Maps Click'n Load for Divi (GDPR)
(4 puntuacions totals)Load the Divi Maps Module only when your visitors really wants to.
GDPR Cookie Notice
(0 puntuacions totals)GDPR Cookie Notice allow you to get GDPR Cookie Consent as per EU GDPR/Cookie Law regulations. Show cookie notice to your own website.
Gravity Forms Privacy AddOn
(0 puntuacions totals)Add Gravity Forms data to the "Export Personal Data" and "Erase Personal Data" tools.
BuddyPress GDPR
(4 puntuacions totals)BuddyPress GDPR helps website owners to comply with European privacy regulations (GDPR).
Piškotki GDPR Plugin
(0 puntuacions totals)Celovita rešitev piškotkov za spletne strani (pripravljeno po smernicah GDPR uredbe).
GDPR Comments
(2 puntuacions totals)This plugin allow you to add a checkbox to accept Privacy Policy before add a comment.