Etiqueta d’extensions: google page rank
Page Rank Stats for Alexa Google
(1 puntuacions totals)Show Alexa Page Rank and/or Google PageRank of your website or any other webpage.
Google Page Rank
(0 puntuacions totals)Blog Google Page Rank is plugin that displays in the footer of Your blog ticket with curent Page Rank For Your Blog..
Web Rank Get
(0 puntuacions totals)This plugin will collect Google Page Rank and Alexa Rank and display it in the footer of your blog.
WordPress Link Ranker
(0 puntuacions totals)This plugin adds the Google Page Rank and Alexa Rank to Links Page in WordPress admin panel.
PageRank Checker
(0 puntuacions totals)Check pagerank of your blog pages automatically,show your real pagerank.
Igreen Google Page Rank
(1 puntuacions totals)Get your updated Google Page Rank in widget or integrate in theme using plugin API/ shortcode.You can display your page rank anywhere in your blog