Etiqueta d’extensions: Islam
Ayah of the Day WordPress Widget
(0 puntuacions totals)It displays translation of a verse from Holy Quran(Muslim's holy book) on your blog sidebar.
Radio Islam Indonesia
(0 puntuacions totals)Widget radio-radio streaming di Indonesia yang mendukung untuk di semua browser dan juga di SmartPhone.
(0 puntuacions totals)Shows a Calendar of Iftar and sehri Timing on Sidebar of your blog/site. At current it supports 'DHAKA', 'SYLHET', 'CHITTAGON …
Radio Islam
(1 puntuacions totals)Menampilkan daftar radio streaming Islam tepercaya, merupakan versi widget web resmi dari app android RII (Radio Islam Indonesia)
Kütüb-i Sitte
(0 puntuacions totals)Hadis mecmualarının en sahihleri kabul edilen; Buhârî ve Müslim'in el-Câmiu's-Sahih'leri ile Ebu Davud, Tirmizi, Nesâî ve ibn Mâce' …
Islamic Durood Sharief
(1 puntuacions totals)An easy way to show durood sharief as Durood Sharief Floating Div.
Maha Salat Times
(0 puntuacions totals)Simple way to add your Masjids Salat Times on your Wordpress website.
Islamic Archive For New Muslims
(0 puntuacions totals)New Muslims aspires to be a unique interactive and informative online resource about Islam for new Muslims as well as potential converts