Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.
Text Sliders
Text Sliders is a simple solution to create pretty text only sliders quickly and friendly.
The plugin try to build all kinds text sliders for users, in the current time, we offer a few shortcodes to build Text only carousel slider, Post Text Slider, Rss Text Slider, WooCommerce Text Slider… and so on.
You can use it to display quotes, client’s testimonials, reviews, or show your post content in a text slider, or show rss feed of any site as a text slider in your site … and so on.
Users can click arrows to navigate post slider, and click the toggle pause button to pause / start the slider.
Text only carousel slider:
It is very easy to add / edit / delete / category text slider via WYSIWYG text editor in admin area -> “Text Sliders” Menu
In frontend, you can insert shortcode [[textsliders]] to anywhere in your post, in head, in footer, to show text auto slider in your wordpress site.
Text Slider Widget:
Also our plugin offer a text sliders widget, you can drag and drop text slider widget on your sidebars.
In backend, you will find text sliders menu, you can add / edit / delete text sliders in text slider editor. You can add categories for text silders
Text Post Slider:
Our Text Slider plugin support text post slider too, you can use shortcode [[postsliders]] to show posts text slider in anywhere, post title will show as title of text slider, post excerpt will show as content of text slider, with a continue reading link to the original wordpress post
Rss Text Slider:
Text Slider help you pull rss feed from your favorite sites, you can use shortcode like this [[feedsliders url=””]], please change url with your favorite site.
WooCommerce Text Slider:
Use shortcode [woocommercesliders] to insert woocommerce text slider in your wordpress post or pages
It will show all of your woocommerce products’ text and description in the woocommerce text slider, simple and light
Also users can add to cart directly from woocommerce text slider
All text sliders is build with a SEO-Friendly methods.
Use Text sliders will save screen space to display more relevant content on your site, we are focus on any kind of text slider, if you have any feature request, please don’t hesitate to tell us.
More Features of WordPress Text Sliders Pro:
Pro Version Features
[Pro Version Detailed Feature List](WordPress Text Sliders Pro Features)
✅ * Build pretty text sliders quickly, create colorful, varied and graceful text-slider styles to present the content to your users, save your valuable screen space
✅ Text Sliders Pro offer a powerful solution to create pretty text only sliders quickly and friendly, you can customization whole stylesheet in customization panel or css file easily, you can set up any Text Sliders Box Width,Text Sliders Box Background,Text Sliders Content Font Color,Text Sliders Title Color,Text Sliders Text Align,Text Sliders Box Padding,Text Sliders Class Name,Text Sliders Border Radius,Text Sliders Border Width,Text Sliders Border Color,Text Sliders Font Size,Text Sliders Line Height,Show Text Sliders Post Title,Text Sliders Title Background Color,Text Sliders Title Font Size,Text Sliders Title Font Color,Text Sliders Title Font Family,Text Sliders Content Font Family …and so on for text sliders, just a few clicks, you will create your pretty text sliders quickly
✅ Support Custom Post Type Text Sliders, turn your site’s hidden content into a useful resource for users quickly
✅ Add bread crumbs in text slider posts, at the top of the text slider posts, you will find bread crumbs like this: Home / Text Slider / text slider post title, you can click to back to text slider index / archive page, or click to back to home page, or click to open the original post in the text slider
✅ Advanced textsliders shortcode, for example, if you use [[textsliders catname=’love’]], we will just search and show text slider posts in the text slider category “love”. If you use [[textsliders catid=’1′]],we will just search and show posts of text slider in the text slider category which category id = 1
✅ Ticket Support
✅ Detailed document and knowledge base
✅ All features includes in wordpress text sliders plugin free version
✅ Timed: Lifetime Upgrades, Unlimited Download ,Ticket Support: only $4, build a powerful and pretty text slider in 5 minutes
✅ more…Support Forum:
[Wordpress Text Sliders Plugin Support Forum](WordPress Text Sliders Plugin Support Forum)
Please submit your question of feature request on text sliders support forum, we are happy to help you, in the curren time, we can not offer support on wordpress official forum, thanks 🙂
WordPress Text Sliders Version 4.0.9,Re-design the head of knowledge base
WordPress Text Sliders Version 4.0.3
fixed a problem of text sliders widget
WordPress Text Sliders Version 4.0.1
fixed a problem of woocommerce product sliders
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.9.5
follow wordpress security standard to enhance security of the plugin
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.8.9:
resolve the problem of “part of not-active parts still visible”
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.8.7:
if a theme do not support wordpress post excerpt, we will generate excerpt for the post automatically, for wordpress native text sliders.
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.8.5:
Quick guide navigation bar for new user of text sliders plugin
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.8.3:
Re-developed text slider excerpt function to support more themes which do not support wordpress post excerpt
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.7.7:
enhanced wordpress text slider security
fixed a settings problem of woocommerce text slider
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.6.7:
Added support forum URL in knowledge base
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.6.5:
Support custom font family for text sliders title, support post text slider, woocommerce slider, pure text slider
In back end, at the bottom of the “Text Slider Global Settings” panel, you will find “Text Sliders Title Font Family” option box.
You can change font family in here, if you want to use default font from wordpress theme, you can just choose “default”, if you do not select any font in here, nothing will be changes, the font will decided by theme
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.6.1:
In “Knowledge Base” menu item, added new tips for help users to understand how to make woocommerce text sliders more easier
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.5.5:
Based on user’s suggestion, in [[textsliders]] shortcode, support text sliders advanced shortcode, for example, If you use [[textsliders catid=’1′]],we will just search and show posts of text slider in the text slider category which category id = 1
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.5.3:
Fixed messed up div in Text Slider Global Settings panel
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.5.1:
Re-write text slides option boxes
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.4.9:
In “Text Slider Global Settings” panel, added related shortcode for each slider option panel
Re-write description and words of each text slider option panels
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.4.1:
By default, post sliders will show excpert, instead of full post content
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.3.9:
In global settings panel, added “Use Excerpt Or Full Post Content In WooCommerce Text Sliders” option box, in which you can select to use Excerpt or Full WooCommerce Product Content in WooCommerce text slider
In front end, if you chose to use excerpt for WooCommerce text sliders, we will only show Short Description of WooCommerce Products in text slider and add a “Add to cart” button at the bottom of the WooCommerce text slider,
User can click the shopping cart to purchase the woocommerce prodcuct.
If you opt to use full content for woocommerce text sliders, we will show description of woocommrece product, also with the shopping cart of the product at the bottom of the text slider,
users can click shopping cart to purchase the woocommerce prodcuct.
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.3.7:
In text slider backend global settings panel, allow custom the speed of the text slider for new UI
In new UI, support pause text slider when mouse hover a slider post
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.3.3:
Make a pretty UI on front end for WooCommerce Text Slider, Rss Text Slider, Post Text Slider too, Users can click arrows to navigate post slider, and click the toggle pause button to pause / start the slider
Wordpress Text Sliders Version 3.2.3:
Make a pretty UI on front end for text slider, Users can click arrows to navigate post slider, and click the toggle pause button to pause / start the slider
WordPress Text Sliders Version 3.1.1:
Added dot-nav carousel pagination for post text slider, woocommerce text slider, text slider, user can click the dot-nav to open related post directly
Optimized carousel navigation button css code
WordPress Text Sliders Version 2.9.1:
Added “prev” & “next” control buttons for post text slider, woocommerce text slider, text slider, users can click “prev” “next” buttons to control sliders
WordPress Text Sliders Version 2.8.1:
In text sliser “Global Settings” panel, added new “speed of the text slide animatio” option box, you can customize the speed of the text slide animatio
Removed debug codes
WordPress Text Sliders Version 2.6.1:
Changed text slider solutions for get more poweful text slider functionality and more control of text slider elements
When mouse hover an post, stop sliding on mouse over
WordPress Text Sliders Version 2.4.1:
In WooCommerce Text Slider, added a “add to card” button at the bottom of each woocommerce product in the woocommerce text slider, so users can click to add the viewing product into cart directly
WordPress Text Sliders Version 2.2.1:
Suppprot Woocommerce text slider, you can use shortcode [woocommercesliders] to insert woocommerce text slider in your wordpress post or pages
It will show all of your woocommerce products’ text and description in the woocommerce text slider, simple and light
WordPress Text Sliders Version 2.1.1:
Allow text sliders have an archive page, the default archive url will be, this will help search engines to index text sliders posts easier and better
WordPress Text Sliders Version 2.0.1:
In global settings panel, added “Use Excerpt Or Full Post Content In Native Text Sliders” option box, in which you can select to use Excerpt or Full Post Content in native text slider
In front end, if you chose to use excerpt for nativate text sliders, we will only show excerpt in text slider and add a “Continue reading” link at the bottom of the text slider
The permalink of “Continue reading” will looks like, when user click the “Continue reading” link, they will be redirected to that post of the text slider
WordPress Text Sliders Version 1.8.1:
Added text slider posts rewrite rule, support a pretty permalink for text slider posts to improve SEO rank
The permalink of text slider will looks like
WordPress Text Sliders Version 1.7.1:
Each text slider post have their own text slider page in front end, for better SEO for your site.
WordPress Text Sliders Version 1.6.1:
Support Rss Slider
Use shortcode [[feedsliders url=””]] to pull feed from your favorite sites
WordPress Text Sliders Version 1.5.1:
For help users use text sliders more easier, in admin area, added “Knowledge Base” menu item, include
How to add content for text slider
How to show text slider in front end
How to add text slider on sidebar
How to show post text slider on front end
WordPress Text Sliders Version 1.4.1:
Added Global Settings Menu in admin area
In global settings panel, you can select to use Excerpt or Full Post Content in post text slider
Added text slider icon in admin area
Fixed read more permalink problem in post text slider
WordPress Text Sliders Version 1.3.1:
Support text post slider, you can use shortcode [[postsliders]] to show posts text slider in anywhere
WordPress Text Sliders Version 1.2.1:
Based on user’s request:
removed quotes for content of text slider, you can add quotes in the text slider editor by yourself.
Improved text slider UI
Added new shortcode [textsliders]
Added Text Slider widget, support show text slider on sidebars
Added Text Domain text-sliders
2:Upload Text Sliders Plugin to your wordpress
3:Activate Text Sliders plugin
4:In admin area, you will find Text Sliders menu, you can add / edit / delete new Text Silders in text slider editor
5:Insert [textsliders] in anywhere
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Version 4.0.9
WordPress Text Sliders Version 4.0.9,Re-design the head of knowledge base
Version 4.0.3
fixed a problem of text sliders widget
Version 4.0.1
fixed a problem of woocommerce product sliders
Version 3.9.5
follow wordpress security standard to enhance security of the plugin
Version 3.9.1
Fixed a warning on text slider widget: too few arguments to function
Version 3.8.9
resolve the problem of “part of not-active parts still visible”
Version 3.8.7
If a theme do not support wordpress post excerpt, we will generate excerpt for the post automatically, for wordpress native text sliders.
Version 3.8.5
Quick guide navigation bar for new user of text sliders plugin
Support wordpress 5.6
Version 3.8.3
Re-developed text slider excerpt function to support more themes which do not support wordpress post excerpt
Version 3.8.1
Use wordpress ABSPATH to enhance plugin security
Version 3.7.7
enhanced wordpress text slider security
fixed a settings problem of woocommerce text slider
Version 3.6.7
Added support forum URL in knowledge base
Version 3.6.5
Support custom font family for text sliders title, support post text slider, woocommerce slider, pure text slider
In back end, at the bottom of the “Text Slider Global Settings” panel, you will find “Text Sliders Title Font Family” option box.
You can change font family in here, if you want to use default font from wordpress theme, you can just choose “default”, if you do not select any font in here, nothing will be changes, the font will decided by theme
Version 3.6.1
In “Knowledge Base” menu item, added new tips for help users to understand how to make woocommerce text sliders more easier
Version 3.5.5
Based on user’s suggestion, in [[textsliders]] shortcode, support text sliders advanced shortcode, for example, If you use [[textsliders catid=’1′]],we will just search and show posts of text slider in the text slider category which category id = 1
Version 3.4.9
In “Text Slider Global Settings” panel, added related shortcode for each slider option panel
Re-write description and words of each text slider option panels
Version 3.4.1
By default, post sliders will show excpert, instead of full post content
Version 3.3.9
In global settings panel, added “Use Excerpt Or Full Post Content In WooCommerce Text Sliders” option box, in which you can select to use Excerpt or Full WooCommerce Product Content in WooCommerce text slider
In front end, if you chose to use excerpt for WooCommerce text sliders, we will only show Short Description of WooCommerce Products in text slider and add a “Add to cart” button at the bottom of the WooCommerce text slider,
User can click the shopping cart to purchase the woocommerce prodcuct.
If you opt to use full content for woocommerce text sliders, we will show description of woocommrece product, also with the shopping cart of the product at the bottom of the text slider,
users can click shopping cart to purchase the woocommerce prodcuct.
Version 3.3.7
In text slider backend global settings panel, allow custom the speed of the text slider
Support pause text slider when mouse hover a slider post
Version 3.3.3
Make a pretty UI on front end for WooCommerce Text Slider, Rss Text Slider, Post Text Slider too, Users can click arrows to navigate post slider, and click the toggle pause button to pause / start the slider
Version 3.2.3
Make a pretty UI on front end for text slider, Users can click arrows to navigate post slider, and click the toggle pause button to pause / start the slider
Version 3.1.1
Added dot-nav carousel pagination for post text slider, woocommerce text slider, text slider, user can click the dot-nav to open related post directly
Optimized carousel navigation button css code
Version 2.9.1
Added “prev” & “next” control buttons for post text slider, woocommerce text slider, text slider, users can click “prev” “next” buttons to control sliders
Version 2.8.1
In text sliser “Global Settings” panel, added new “speed of the text slide animatio” option box, you can customize the speed of the text slide animatio
Removed debug codes
Version 2.6.1
Changed text slider solutions for get more poweful text slider functionality and more control of text slider elements
When mouse hover an post, stop sliding on mouse over
Version 2.4.1
In WooCommerce Text Slider, added a “add to card” button at the bottom of each woocommerce product in the woocommerce text slider, so users can click to add the viewing product into cart directly
Version 2.2.1
Suppprot Woocommerce text slider, you can use shortcode [woocommercesliders] to insert woocommerce text slider in your wordpress post or pages
It will show all of your woocommerce products’ text and description in the woocommerce text slider, simple and light
Version 2.1.1
Allow text sliders have an archive page, the default archive url will be, this will help search engines to index text sliders posts easier and better
Version 2.0.1
In global settings panel, added “Use Excerpt Or Full Post Content In Native Text Sliders” option box, in which you can select to use Excerpt or Full Post Content in native text slider
In front end, if you chose to use excerpt for nativate text sliders, we will only show excerpt in text slider and add a “Continue reading” link at the bottom of the text slider
The permalink of “Continue reading” will looks like, when user click the “Continue reading” link, they will be redirected to that post of the text slider
Version 1.8.1
Added text slider posts rewrite rule, support a pretty permalink for text slider posts to improve SEO rank
Version 1.7.1
Each text slider post have their own text slider page in front end, for better SEO for your site.
Version 1.6.1
Support Rss Text Slider
Use shortcode [[feedsliders url=””]] to pull feed from your favorite sites
Version 1.5.1
For help users use text sliders more easier, in admin area, added “Knowledge Base” menu item, include:
How to add content for text slider
How to show text slider in front end
How to add text slider on sidebar
How to show post text slider on front end
Version 1.4.1
Added Global Settings Menu in admin area
In global settings panel, you can select to use Excerpt or Full Post Content in post text slider
Added text slider icon in admin area
Fixed read more permalink problem in post text slider
Version 1.3.1
Support text post slider, you can use shortcode [[postsliders]] to show posts text slider in anywhere
Version 1.2.1
Based on user’s request:
removed quotes for content of text slider, you can add quotes in the text slider editor by yourself.
Improved text slider UI
Added new shortcode [textsliders]
Added Text Slider widget, support show text slider on sidebars
Added Text Domain text-sliders
Version 1.0.0
Text Slider Testimonial 1.0.0