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Casengo Live Chat Support


Casengo Live Chat Support allows you to add live chat to your website quickly and easily. With Casengo Live Chat Support, you can handle questions via live chat, email directly from your website. Casengo Live Chat Support helps you to respond faster to questions than ever, and to improve their satisfaction with a delicious combination of live chat and email.

Casengo Live Chat Core Features & Benefits

  • Casengo supports WhatsApp as a customer service channel. WhatsApp has been integrated to help businesses communicate with customers
  • Live Chat Customization. Change look and feel of live chat button and form
  • NEW Forward cases. Use Casengo to forward cases to people outside of your customer support team.
  • NEW Mobile App. Use Casengo on your phone or tablet.
  • NEW Pro-active. Increase online conversion by automatically a chat window after 5 seconds
  • Multi-brand. Manage multiple websites from within Casengo
  • Knowledge base. Boost self-service with the Casengo FAQ plugin
  • Team collaboration. Easily ask co-workers to help out
  • Quick replies. Quickly provide customers with the right answer
  • Mailboxes. Manage multiple mailboxes from within Casengo
  • Reporting. know your company’s peak periods
  • Flex users. Add short-time users for flexible support
  • In the cloud. Handle customer enquiries from anywhere
  • Instant overview. Customer status clear at a single glance
  • Simple setup. No training or technical knowledge needed
  • Hybrid messaging. Seamlessly blend live chat with email and WhatsApp messages
  • Whatsapp. You can now connect your Whatsapp account with Casengo to support your customers directly with Whatsapp
  • Check out this video about Whatsapp in Casengo

    Check out the Casengo Live Chat Video

    To configure the live chat support plugin, you need a Casengo Live Chat account. Have an account already? Way to go! If not, sign up here. You’ll be ready to go in two minutes tops. Casengo Live Chat is free to trial for 14 days.

    It’s really easy. Get started in 2 minutes tops.

  • Step 1. Create a free trial Casengo Live Chat account at
  • Step 2. Log into your WordPress Admin Site, search for plugin ‘Casengo Live Chat’ and install it.
  • Step 3. Go to the Casengo Live Chat config section in WordPress and set your unique Casengo subdomain, color theme and position!
  • …et voila, on your website you’ll discover your very own live chat button, ready to be clicked on by your happy customers!

    Do you want to chat or support your customers on the go? Use the free Casengo mobile app:

  • Click here for the Android app
  • Click here for the iPhone and iPad app
  • Do get in touch with tips or questions, as we’re constantly working on making Casengo Live Chat the best, fastest and smartest customer support tool ever. More happy customers!

    Questions or suggestions? Click here to chat with us. We’d love to help you out.

    Casengo’s Live Chat happy customers

    Lots of companies, small and large, have been using Casengo Live Chat for a while now. Check out these testimonials to find out what they think about our customer support software.

    “We opted for Casengo Live Chat from day one, as it is a very user-friendly Cloud customer service app with an attractive pricing model. Casengo Live Chat allows us to centralize all customer enquiries – whether through email, live chat or WhatsApp – in one single inbox. This is critical for providing excellent service to our users. The Casengo Live Chat app is plug and play: setting up the account took us hardly two minutes, and installation of the WordPress Live Chat widget was just as easy.” – Philippe Joly, Yelo

    “We decided to use Casengo Live Chat mainly because we’d be able to get started right away. You hardly need any technical knowledge to get this live chat and customer support app running.” – Dorians Hofs,

    “I downloaded the Casengo Live Chat plugin for WordPress. The live chat button appeared in one go, and I was able to change both its text and colour to match our corporate identity. Brilliant!” – Davy van de Haar, BeLikeUs

    “Since using Casengo Live Chat, we can respond to our customers 3 times as fast. It surprised us how easily customers switch between email and live chat. Casengo’s Live Chat just so simple.” – Dick Franken,

    About Casengo

    Casengo’s cloud application for customer support empowers online retailers and other small businesses to respond to customer questions faster and better than ever. One team inbox for customer chats, emails and WhatsApp messages. Passionately founded in 2011, devised and developed in Amsterdam. Casengo’s Live Chat Cloud-based, affordable customer support software brings the human touch back into customer service and live chat. Regardless of channel type, it simplifies real-time conversation by presenting a unique Live Chat Hybrid Messaging Timeline. Whether a company consists of just one person or a large team, it’s always time to Casengo.

    Casengo support more than 50.000 customers and was recently named “1 of the hottest startups in Europe” by

    Go to for more information on product features and pricing.

    Readme Generator

    This Readme file was generated using wp-readme, which generates readme files for WordPress Plugins.


    • Plugin admin page of Casengo Live Chat widget
    • See the Live Chat button implemented
    • Setup quick replies for your chat
    • Handling a customer live chat inquiry
    • Handling a customer live chat inquiry
    • Setup your WhatsApp account with support of our helpdesk
    • Overviewing the Casengo Live Chat agent inbox
    • Add your agents to the Casengo Inbox


    1. If you don’t have a Casengo Live Chat account already, please create one now. Please note the subdomain assigned to you when you sign up. You can also find your subdomain information in the confirmation email you received after signing up.
    2. In the administration section of your WordPress site, hit the ‘plugins’ option and then select ‘add new’.
    3. Search for Casengo Live Chat.
    4. Click ‘Install Now’.
    5. After installation, select ‘Settings’ from the left-hand menu in your Worpress admin section.
    6. Select the Casengo application. You’ll be taken to the Widget options.
    7. Add the subdomain information assigned to your Casengo Live Chat account.
    8. Choose the position where you want the live chat button to appear on your website or blog.
    9. Give the live chat button a label so visitors understand it’s a live chat button (such as ‘contact us’, ‘live chat now’, ‘feedback’).
    10. Select the colour you want to contact button to be, and update.


    • Do I need a Casengo Live Chat account to add the widget to my site?

    Yes, you do. You can sign up here. Casengo offers a free trial for 14 days. More information on product features and pricing can be found at

    • How can I customise the Live Chat widget?

    That’s great! You can customize the Live Chat window (the Live Chat widget) to replicate your corporate branding. Here’s how:

  • 1. Get yourself to the Admin Site
  • 2. Next, press on ‘channels’
  • 3. Go to ‘Chat’ and click on ‘Appearance’ from the left-hand menu
  • 4. Click on the editable ‘color’ field and a spectrum of colors will appear. Simply click on the color you fancy to select the background color for your chat widget header. Alternatively, input the hex code if you have this information to hand.
  • 5.Give your chat window/widget a heading, such as ‘Support’ or ‘Chat now’.
  • 6. Set the color of your title text by repeating step 3.
  • 7. Create the ‘Greeting’ people will see when the live chat window appears. For example: “Welcome to Casengo Live Chat”, “Live Chat Window”, “Invitation”, “Pre-Chat Window”, “Offline Message Window”, “Live Chat Window”, “Live Chat Interface”,”How may we help you?”
  • 8. Upload your company logo by clicking ‘choose file’ > select the JPEG, Gif or PNG file you have on file > and just hit ‘Upload’ to confirm your selection.
  • 9. Click on ‘Preview’ to see how your chat window looks.
  • 10. Hit ‘Save’ to lock it in.
    • How can I hide, deactivate or disable the live chat button on my website when I am offline?

    It might indeed be a good idea to disable the live chat functionality temporarily, for instance when you’re not available to accept chat requests. It’s easy:

  • 1. Start with opening the Casengo application. Press ‘Go to the Admin Site’.
  • 2. Click on the tab ‘Channels’ and then ‘Configuration’.
  • 3. Go to ‘Chat Button’ and select ‘hide’.
  • 4. Wait 1 minute for the changes to take effect.
  • Note: Only available at ‘Basic’, ‘Premium’ and ‘Enterprise’.

    • How do I add a custom template for multiple live chat screens?

    You’re able to add multiple live chat screens, in multiple languages. This is useful if you’ve got a multilingual website, or if you want to use one Casengo Live Chat account for multiple websites.

    Here’s how:

  • 1. Go to the Casengo Admin Site > Channels, and choose Chat > Configuration.
  • 2. Next to the template dropdown menu, click on “Add Template”.
  • 3. Choose the language/country in the dropdown and give your custom template a name. Hit “Save”.
  • 4. Choose your newly added language from the dropdown menu.
  • 5. Add your custom template messages and hit save at the bottom of the page.
  • 6. Go to “Appearance” and customize the chat widget in the exact way you want it to be. (TIP: Give your new chat widget a label in the “Show advanced settings”. By doing this, you’ll always be able to see in which language the chat started.)
  • 7. Choose your new language template from the “Language” dropdown menu, and your new script will be waiting for you at the bottom of the page. Copy this script and paste it where you want it to be. Your new custom language chat is now set up!
  • NOTE: This live chat feature is only for Premium live chat users.

    • How can I view my live chat history?

    All your live chat records and offline messages are stored in our database. You can query for a particular live chat conversation from your Casengo Live Chat inbox.

    • How to make the live chat window proactive?

    Just add the following script to your live chat widget script:
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 5000);

    The standard time interval is 5 seconds (5000 in script). You can change this time interval by changing the number 5000 in the script.

    • Can I invite a visitor to have a live chat?

    Yes. You can either manually send a live chat invitation to a visitor or set up the live chat auto invitation to automatically invite your visitors to a live chat.

    • Which languages does Casengo Live Chat support?

    Casengo Live Chat currently support English, German, Dutch and Russian. If you want to help out Casengo Live Chat in adding new languages drop us a note at

    • Can i use the Casengo FAQ plugin and the Live Chat plugin at the same time?
      Yes, you can. Just download and install the Casengo FAQ plugin, and the button will appear on the FAQ pages as well! Don’t forget to set your unique Casengo username (subdomain) from the admin settings page.

    • How do I integrate Casengo Live Chat with “Contact Form 7”?

    It is easy… simply put your “” (the email address you have received from Casengo to forward your emails to) in
    the contact form.

    Steps to take:

  • 1. Login to your wordpress admin.
  • 2. Click on “Contact” in admin menu.
  • 3. Click on the form you want to use.
  • 4. In the “Mail” fields include “” in the “To” field.
  • 5. Save the changes made.
    • How can I set up email forwarding for Gmail?

    Forward emails from your Gmail account to your Casengo email address, by simply following the instructions below or watch the video:

  • 1. Click the gear icon in the upper right, then select ‘Settings’.
  • 2. Click the ‘Forwarding and POP/IMAP’ tab.
  • 3. From the first drop-down menu in the “Forwarding” section, select ‘Add a Forwarding Address.’
  • 4. Enter your bespoke Casengo email address you wish to forward your emails to.
  • (For your security, Gmail will send a verification to that email address).

  • 5. Open your forwarding email account, and find the confirmation message from the Gmail team.
  • 6. Click the verification link in that email.
  • 7. Back in your Gmail account, select the ‘Forward a copy of incoming mail to…’ option and select your Casengo email address from the drop-down menu.
  • 8. Select the action you’d like your messages to take from the drop-down menu. You can choose to keep Gmail’s copy of the message in your inbox, or you can send it automatically to ‘All Mail’ or ‘Trash’.
  • 9. Click ‘Save Changes’ and you’re done.
    • How can I set up email forwarding for Hotmail?

    You can forward emails from your Hotmail account to your Casengo account by following these simple steps:

  • 1. Sign in to your Windows Live Hotmail.
  • 2. Choose ‘Inbox’ on the upper right of the screen and click ‘Options’, followed by ‘More Options’.
  • 3. Go to ‘Managing your Account’ and choose ‘Email Forwarding’.
  • 4. Click ‘Forward your Mail to Another Email Account’, then type-in the email address on the box that says ‘Where do you Want your Messages to be Sent?’
  • 5. Don’t forget to select the check box ‘Keep a Copy of Forwarded Messages in your Windows Live Hotmail Inbox’.
  • 6. Click ‘Save’.
    • How can I customise the look and feel of my knowledge base to fit my WordPress theme?

    Download the Casengo FAQ plugin for WordPress to integrate the knowledge base into your site. Click here to go to the Casengo FAQ plugin page for more information.

    • Still questioning the benefits of live chat?

    Our team wrote a great article on the benefits of live chat Live chat software: 5 benefits for webshops

    • How does Casengo Live Chat compare to other live chat providers (Zopim, Olark, Snapengage, Zendesk, Clickdesk, Live Chat Inc, Live Person)
  • We’re a very popular live chat provider in the world – loved by over 50,000 businesses
  • Free for 3 live chat users
  • A simple and highly customizable live chat widget to complement your website and taste
  • User friendly dashboard lets you monitor live chat visitor activity and manage live chats
    • Where can I get help if I have more questions about live chat?

    Questions or suggestions? Click here to have a live chat with us. We’d love to help you out. Our dedicated live chat support team are always standing by to help you along the way.


    8 de febrer de 2017
    After download and install you need to setup an account with them on their site. No problem. After filling out multiple pages I got some OOOPs error. Worthless script if you can’t create an account to run it. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME
    8 de febrer de 2017
    We have been using Casengo at the De Advocatenwijzer. This is a great service and has a very positive effect on online conversion.
    7 de febrer de 2017
    Easy to install on my Wordpress websites with no hassle! Jaimy
    7 de febrer de 2017
    i had to disable minify setting in my caching plugin. Then the chat button appears. Nice interface!
    7 de febrer de 2017
    I load this onto every site I have. Surprisingly, it is easier to install than other chat widgets! Waiting for an update to change the button’s CSS! Cheerio! Andrew
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    Registre de canvis

  • 1.0 Initial live chat release
  • 1.8.6 Improved live chat admin interface
  • 1.9.0 Minor live chat bugs fixed
  • 1.9.1 After live chat plugin activation, the browser will be redirected to the settings page automatically. The settings page has moved to its own Casengo menu.
  • 1.9.4 Live chat bug fixed: compatible with optimization and cache plugins that removes HTML comments
  • 1.9.5 Support for inline live chat (in beta)
  • 2.0 add custom language support and improved admin user interface
  • 2.0.2 New screenshots added
  • 2.1 Added pro-active business rules + live chat php fixes
  • 2.1.2 Fixed register links in our readme