Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.

The WP Map Factory


The WP Map Factory plugin allows any number of maps to be easily created and used in your website.

The “Basics”

Choose how from a variety of map types

  • Google maps – Roadmap, Satellite and Hybrid
  • Open Street Maps
  • Thunderforest maps – Open Cycle, Landscape and Outdoors

Choose how to toggle between the map types

  • Drop-down menu
  • Buttons
  • Thumbnail image

Choose how to fit the map

  • Manually – pan and zoom the map to what you want
  • Automatically – fit to all displayed objects

Choose what map controls are visible

  • Center button
  • Full screen button
  • Street view button
  • Zoom buttons

Set the map size

  • By pixels
  • By percentage


Create an unlimited number of markers defining the following type

  • Marker type
  • Size
  • Fill colour and opacity
  • Stroke colour, opacity and thickness
  • Anchor position of the marker


Create a placecard to highlight your business or location of interest

  • Direction
  • Link

Circles, Polylines and Polygons

Create an unlimited number of circles, polylines and polygons defining the following type

  • Size
  • Fill colour and opacity
  • Stroke colour, opacity and thickness
  • Tooltips and info windows
  • Elevation chart (for polylines)


To save time and hassle you can view a sample of the map prior to placing the shortcode in the post, page or widget in which the map will be displayed.

It was never so easy to create maps in WordPress!


  • Markers, polyline and polygon
  • Editing a map
  • Markers


From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Navigate to Plugins and then Add New.
  2. Search for the WP Map Factory plugin.
  3. Click the Install Now button.
  4. Click the Activate button and you’re done.


What does this plugin do?

It allows you to easily create Google maps for your website – it is very simple to use.

How is a map displayed?

Once you have created your map, simply copy and paste the shortcode to the correct location.

Will I need a Google Maps API key?

Yes, but this is easily obtained.

Can I get support if I get stuck?

Of course! Simply email and we’ll be happy to help!


3 de novembre de 2019
I didn’t need much, just a map with a marker to show the location of my shop. Works well for that. There seems to be a pro version, have not tried that yet though.
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Col·laboradors i desenvolupadors

«The WP Map Factory» és programari de codi obert. La següent gent ha col·laborat en aquesta extensió.


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2.0.0 – Released 21 July 2021

  • All features from the “Pro” version (which previously needed to be purchased) added to this “free” version. Enjoy!