Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.

Ultimate PDF Flipbooks | Flip Books Made Easy!


Ultimate PDF Flipbooks is a light weight, easy to use plugin that takes the PDF files from admin dashboard, gives you ability to generate its shortcode with the help of shortcode generator and simply you can add it to any Post or Page.

In shortcode generator you can easily add/remove many features like Allow Download, Show Thumbnails, Extra Classes, Slide Show, Allow Full screen, Page Layout, Container Width and Container Height. So it is very easy to customize and you can control the layout and functionality very easily.

You can simply install this plugin and activate it and then can add the new PDF files as many as you want from Flip Books Menu. Keep enjoying it for free.


  • Flipbooks Option in the Wordpress Dashboard Sidebar

  • Ultimate Flipbooks Shortcode Generator Page


  1. Install the Plugin

  2. Activate the Plugin.

  3. Go to the Admin Dashboard and find FlipBooks added in the Left Sidebar Menu.

  4. To Create a Shortcode, goto the Shortcode Generator, configure the desired settings and copy and paste the shortcode whereever you want. (On any post/page etc.)


How does the plugin works?

Ans: You can simply install this plugin and activate it, then you can add the new PDF files and add it via shortcode generator easily.

Is it responsive?

Ans: Yes It is 100% responsive, Even you can customize it with it container size too.

Is the Plugin FREE?

Ans: Yes it is free forever for use on all of your websites, no license required.

How many books/documents i can add ?

Ans: As many as you want. No restriction at all.


30 de març de 2020
non funziona! ho aggiunto il file PDF e ho creato il collegamento, poi ho inserito il codice generato [upfb_ebook book_id=”862″ allow-download=”false” thumbnails=”false” classes=”” slideshow=”yes” allow-fullscreen=”yes” page-layout=”auto” width=”100%” height=”500px”] in una nuova pagina, ma mi da errore con upload.php
9 de maig de 2019 2 respostes
This does not work….happy to change my review if you can address this. Error: no upload .php file founf or incorrect file.
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3.0 : Fixed \”No Upload.php Found\” Error caused by directory permissions.