Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.

User role sidebar menu


Welcome to User role sidebar menu..! This plugin allows you to Manage custom Sidebar menus based on logged-in user and you can assign different custom menus for different user roles on WordPress pages.


  • This screen shot describes on WP dashboard side. Screenshots in the /assets directory take precedence. For example, /assets/screenshot-1.png

  • This is the second screen shot for front end side Screenshots in the /assets directory take precedence. For example, /assets/screenshot-2.png


  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Appearance > Widgets
  4. Drag and drop User role sidebar menu widget to specific page sidebar location
  5. Choose user role and custom menu for this widget. 1,2,3 done..!
  6. For more info see the plugin Screenshots.


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Appearance > Widgets
  4. Drag and drop User role sidebar menu widget to specific page sidebar location
  5. Choose user role and custom menu for this widget. 1,2,3 done..!
  6. For more info see the plugin Screenshots.
How to create custom menu

Go to Appearance > menus > Create new menu


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Col·laboradors i desenvolupadors

«User role sidebar menu» és programari de codi obert. La següent gent ha col·laborat en aquesta extensió.


Registre de canvis

0.0.2 Add CSS file to show ul li item in parallel.

0.0.1. Initial release.