Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.

WP Geo – Mashup Toolkit


This lightweight toolkit currently constists of 3 plugins to extend WP Geo with missing features and facilitate easy migration from Geo Mashup. The extentions, which can be activated seperately, are:

Mashup Map is an extention to allow you to continue using the Geo Mashup shortcodes [geo_mashup_map] and [geo_mashup_show_on_map_link] that are on your posts and pages already -OR- use the shortcode [wp_geo_mashup] where you want the map to appear. See FAQ for extended parameters.

Detect Coordinates is an extention that tries to detect coordinates in post/page content when publishing via the WP backend, Postie or during Import and converts found coordinates to WP Geo readable post meta entries.

Import from Geo Mashup searches the database for Geo Mashup tables and convert the geo information to WP Geo readable post meta entries. Simply activate and deactivate this plugin again… it has done its job upon activation. NOTE: It does NOT create or remove any database tables or remove old Geo Mashup data. If there is NO Geo Mashup data found, nothing will be done at all.

WP Geo Mashup Toolkit requires:

  1. the plugin to be installed, activated and configured
  2. the WP Geo option Show map on to have a checkmark at Pages if you are going to use the shortcode in a page and/or Posts if you intend on using it in a post.

If any of these requirements are not met, the Mashup Map extention will replace the shortcode with nothing!


  1. Install, activate and configure WP Geo.
  2. Then install this toolkit either by downloading the zip file and uploading the content to your wp-content/plugins/ folder OR use the Plugins > Add New installation process (search for mashup map) from within the WP back-end.
  3. Activate the tools you need for your site.


No hi ha ressenyes per a aquesta extensió.

Col·laboradors i desenvolupadors

«WP Geo – Mashup Toolkit» és programari de codi obert. La següent gent ha col·laborat en aquesta extensió.


Registre de canvis


  • FIX: WP Geo 3.3 update compatibility for shortcodes


  • qTranslate compatibility
  • new shortcode parameters: category_name, cat


  • NEW: Detect coordinates in post content
  • NEW: Import data from Geo Mashup plugin
  • Added shortcode (backward) compatibility with Geo Mashup
  • More shortcode parameters


  • new shortcode parameters
  • WP Geo 3.2.2 compatibility




  • implementation of first concept