Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.

WPlyr Media Block


WPlyr is an easy-to-use Gutenberg block which implements Plyr – A simple, lightweight and accessible HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo media player that supports modern browsers.


Visit the plugin demo to see it in action.


Multi Formats
Support for the major formats, HTML Video & Audio, YouTube & Vimeo. HTML5 Video supports MP4, WebM and OGV formats and HTML5 Audio supports MP3, OGG and WAV formats.

Video Resolution
The HTML5 video player supports multiple resolution source selection and playback. Viewers can set the playback resolution on the fly from the player’s settings interface.

Easy Interface
The plugin combines all the features into a single Gutenberg block allowing you to change the source and output with just a couple of clicks.

Closed Captions
Full support for VTT captions and multiple caption tracks. Multi-lingual caption track is automatically selected from the viewer device’s default language.

10+ controls for the media player can be configured from the plugin’s setting interface. By default, the player includes controls for speed, fast-forward/skip, volume, captions, duration, video resolution selection, picture-in-picture feature, fullscreen, airplay and download.

You can modify the player color from the plugin’s setting interface to match your website’s color scheme.

Clean HTML5
Uses the correct semantic elements. <input type="range"> for volume and <progress> for progress and well, <button>s for buttons. There’s no <span> or <a href="#"> button hacks.

Adapts to every and all resolutions and modern devices.

Browser Support

Safari ✓
Mobile Safari ✓¹
Firefox ✓
Chrome ✓
Opera ✓
Edge ✓
IE11 ✓²

  1. Volume controls are also disabled as they are handled device wide.
  2. Support extended via the use of polyfills.


  • WPlyr Media Block – HTML5 Video settings
  • WPlyr Media Block – HTML5 Audio settings
  • WPlyr Media Block – YouTube settings
  • WPlyr Media Block – Vimeo settings
  • WPlyr Media Block – Gutenberg block preview
  • WPlyr Media Block – Plugin settings interface


  1. To install WPlyr Media Block, use the plugin manager in the WordPress administration. Go to Plugins » Add New and search for WPlyr Media Block.
  2. Install and activate the plugin.
  3. To configure the features and color scheme of the player, use the plugin’s settings screen which can be found under Settings » WPlyr.
  4. To add the block to a post or page use the block addition interface to find WPlyr Media.


Which browsers are currently supported?

WPlyr supports the last 2 versions of most modern browsers. For details, please refer to the browser support chart in the plugin description.


2 de juliol de 2022 1 resposta
I like this plugin but it would be much better if I could test each video format with the same browser, via some kind of runtime switch. As it is, using my standard Vivaldi, I get the WEBM version because my browser will handle it; and I have to find a non-WEBM-capable Android or Linux browser to try to test the other formats on my live server. This does not add to productivity.
1 de juny de 2020
The idea is good, but there are several compatibility issues that need to be addressed for this plugin to be used in production environment.
10 de març de 2020
Overall great plugin. Needs an update though mainly for htmlburger’s carbon-fields library. Otherwise it does what it needs to do and does it well.
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«WPlyr Media Block» és programari de codi obert. La següent gent ha col·laborat en aquesta extensió.


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[Added] Enabled support for toggling preview mode
[Tweak] Updated the Carbon Fields library to v3.6.3
[Tweak] Updated the Plyr JS library to v3.7.8
[Tweak] Rebranded the plugin owner
[Removed] ReviewMe feature inside the plugin was throwing PHP warning, so it was scrapped


[Added] Integrated support for video monetization with
[Tweak] Updated the Carbon Fields library to v3.3.2
[Tweak] Updated the Plyr JS library to v3.6.7


  • [Tweak] Updated the Carbon Fields library to v3.2.3.
  • [Removed] Massive speed boost to player load by removing legacy SCSS compiler method in favor of using CSS variables instead.


  • [Compatibility] Updated for WordPress 5.4


  • Initial release!