

Tots els temes



Aquest tema no s’ha actualitzat en més de 2 anys. Pot ser que ja no pugui ser mantingut o suportat i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat si s’utilitza amb les versions més recents del WordPress.

  • Versió 1.0.5
  • Darrera actualització 30 d’abril de 2017
  • Instal·lacions actives 100+
  • Versió del WordPress 4.0

Theme Peaceful is a very simple clean, blogging theme. It’s fully responsive. It originated from _S starter theme, and is designed to put the content up front and centered without left or right sidebar. Style is minimalistic with few graphical features such as transparent menu, and transparent dark and light boxes to highlight site and post titles. Footer widget area is available in all templates. There are three templates, standard, landing and landing with recent posts which shows 3 recent posts, landing is meant for making custom landing page for unique experience, and is displaying footer landing widget area. Standard template supports featured images and discussion if desired, and landing template does not, making it very clean for welcoming messages, notes…

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Instal·lacions actives: 100+


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