Etiqueta d’extensions: code snippet
Bit File Manager – 100% Free & Open Source File Manager and Code Editor for WordPress
(200 puntuacions totals)File manager simplifies file tasks: edit, create, upload, delete, copy, move, rename, compress, extract. No more FTP worries; it's easy to use.
Code Snippet DM
(4 puntuacions totals)Code Snippet DM enables you to display code snippets in a stylish way inside your content.
Insert Codes – Insert Headers and Footers + Code Snippets Manager for WordPress
(0 puntuacions totals)Easily manage code snippets and insert codes to the header, body, and footer sections of your WordPress website.
Coding Blocks
(0 puntuacions totals)code block, syntax highlighter, code highlighter, editor, php, html, css, javascript, python, java, jsx, react, snippet, highlight, syntax, github, p …
Code Injection For WYSIWYG
(0 puntuacions totals)Creates a meta box for inserting code within wysiwyg.
- — code snippet installer
(1 puntuacions totals) plugin helps you easily install third-party code snippets on your website.
Snippet Flyer
(0 puntuacions totals)Add beautiful code snippets to your blog posts or any content area.