Etiqueta d’extensions: lightweight
WOW Best WP Lightweight
(0 puntuacions totals)Boost your site's speed and performance. Best WP Lightweight help you configure your websites without any coding knowledge required.
F13 Lightbox
(0 puntuacions totals)Add a lightbox for any image within a post or page, includes accessibility features.
Micro Contact Form
(0 puntuacions totals)Contact form plugin requiring only basic data entry (message subject, message content, from name, and return e-mail address) to send a brief message t …
Group the Plugins
(0 puntuacions totals)The plugin collects all the plugins from the same author together and hides them from the plugins page. Manage them on the plugins page toggle contain …
Raw HTML Modal Window
(0 puntuacions totals)This plugin is intended for folks who prefer to use HTML/CSS for ultimate control of the layout for a pop-up window. It uses minimum sys resources