Etiqueta d’extensions: post content
Toggle wpautop
(32 puntuacions totals)Easily disable the default wpautop filter on a post by post basis.
Post Content Shortcodes
(31 puntuacions totals)Adds shortcodes to display the content of a post or a list of posts.
Custom ShortCode Creator
(1 puntuacions totals)This Custom Shotcode Creator plugin allows you to quickly define custom shortcodes via admin dashboard without any hassle.
Safe Paste
(5 puntuacions totals)Removes a lot of HTML tags from post and page content before inserting it to database. Preventing users to paste undesired HTML tags to content.
Display Content Length
(1 puntuacions totals)Display posts content length on your WordPress admin. Help you boost performance once you have lots posts.
Lightbox content images – WPSHARE247
(0 puntuacions totals)Cho phép click phóng to những hình ảnh trong nội dung bài viết. Hỗ trợ hình đơn hoặc thư viện ảnh soạn thảo cổ điển và Gutenberg block.
Auto Summarize Post Content
(1 puntuacions totals)Auto-summarize content and display it at the top or bottom of the post.
Additional Content
(1 puntuacions totals)Display additional content before or after post content in single post pages.
Show Post Content Anywhere
(0 puntuacions totals)Show post content is a light-wieght plugin with impressive functionality. It enables user to show content of a post on any page, post, even in widgets …
In This Article
(0 puntuacions totals)Fetches all H2 and H3 tags from post content and allows displaying them in a clickable list using a shortcode.
Ajax Sections by Radaplug
(0 puntuacions totals)A WordPress plugin to load blocks and sections asynchronously.