Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.

Able Player, accessible HTML5 media player


This plug-in uses Able Player, an open-source fully-accessible cross-browser HTML5 media player, to embed audio or video within your WordPress page.

Instructions for Use

There are currently two ways to add an Able Player instance to a WordPress site:

  1. Enter or paste any valid HTML5 Able Player code into your web page. Full documentation is available on the Able Player project page on GitHub.

  2. Enter an [ableplayer] shortcode. The shortcode is intended for adding videos hosted on YouTube or Vimeo, with captions and subtitles hosted on these services. For anything more complex, use HTML.

The [ableplayer] shortcode

The [ableplayer] shortcode supports the following attributes.

Required attributes (one of these)

  • youtube-id – 11-character YouTube ID or YouTube URL.
  • vimeo-id – Vimeo ID or URL.

Optional attributes

  • youtube-desc-id – YouTube URL or ID of a described version of the video
  • vimeo-desc-id – Vimeo URL or ID of a described version of the video
  • youtube-nocookie – “true” or “false” (use “true” to embed YouTube untracked, for added privacy)
  • id – a unique id for the player (if omitted, one will be automatically assigned)
  • autoplay – “true” or “false” (default is “false”)
  • loop – “true” or “false” (default is “false”)
  • playsinline – “true” or “false” (default is “true”). By setting to “false”, some devices (e.g., iPhones) will play the video in their own media player rather than in Able Player.
  • hidecontrols – “true” or “false” (default is “false”). Set to “true” to enable the player controls to fade away during playback. They will appear again if the user hovers over the player or pressing a key, and they are always accessible to screen reader users.
  • poster – the URL of a poster image, displayed before the user presses Play
  • width – a value in pixels (by default, the player will be sized to fit its container)
  • height – a value in pixels (by default, the height of the player will be in proportion to the width)
  • heading – The HTML heading level (1-6) of the visually hidden “Media Player” heading that precedes the player (for the benefit of screen reader users). If omitted, a heading level will be intelligently assigned based on context.
  • speed – “animals” or “arrows” (default is “animals”)
  • start – start time at which to start playing the media, in seconds. Some browsers do not support this.
  • volume – “0” to “10” (default is “7” to avoid overpowering screen reader audio). Some browsers do not support this.
  • seekinterval – number of seconds to forward/rewind with the Forward and Rewind buttons. If omitted, the interval will be intelligently assigned based on length of the video.
  • nowplaying – “true” or “false” to include a “Selected Track” section within the media player (default is “false”).


Example 1

This example uses HTML to add an audio player to the page, with one source (an MP3 file).
<audio id="audio1" preload="auto" data-able-player src="path_to_audio.mp3">

Example 2

This example uses HTML to add a video player to the page, with one source (an MP4 file) and four tracks (for captions, descriptions, and chapters in English; and subtitles in Spanish).
<video id="able-player-1" data-able-player preload="auto" poster="path_to_image.jpg">
<source type="video/mp4" src="path_to_video.mp4">
<track kind="captions" src="path_to_captions.vtt" srclang="en" label="English">
<track kind="subtitles" src="path_to_subtitles.vtt" srclang="es" label="Español">
<track kind="descriptions" src="path_to_descriptions.vtt" srclang="en">
<track kind="chapters" src="path_to_chapters.vtt" srclang="en">

Example 3

This example uses a shortcode to add a YouTube player to the page, with two versions of the video, one with audio description and the other without (the user can toggle between the two versions using the D button).
[ableplayer youtube-id="XXXXXXXXXXX" youtube-desc-id="YYYYYYYYYYY"]

Example 4

This example uses a shortcode to add a Vimeo player to the page, with two versions of the video, one with audio description and the other without (the user can toggle between the two versions using the D button).
[ableplayer vimeo-id="XXXXXXXXX" vimeo-desc-id="YYYYYYYYY"]


  1. Provide a user interface by which authors can select and configure default options through WordPress.
  2. Interface directly with WordPress media libraries so users can select their media files and other assets rather than typing in URLs.


  • Able Player as an audio player
  • Able Player as a video player, showing captions and an auto-generated interactive transcript


  1. Upload the unzipped folder ableplayer to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the Able Player plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Follow the Instructions for Use


25 de febrer de 2024
This plugin makes adding videos and captions very easy. The player gives the user more choices and makes the video more accessible. Just linking to YouTube is not enough.This player supports audio, video and can deliver captions, descriptions, chapters and transcripts. It has many features that make it user friendly and accessible to screen readers and mouse only users. It uses validated Web Video Text Tracks (WebVTT). Don’t rely on YouTube auto captions. Make sure to edit them for accuracy before saving your file as a WebVTT. Make sure to use the Use the WebVTT Validator to check your file. If you are teaching classes, the chapter feature adds a level of accessibility not found elsewhere. The plugin uses a shortcode if you only want captions. If you want to have descriptions or chapters, you will need to use HTML.
29 de desembre de 2020
We recently competed in an accessibility awareness competition to build a non-profit website. The platform was not a requirement but a recommendation. Our team all swears by WordPress. One criterion for extra credit in the event was to display accessible audio and video instances and our team lead had heard of the Able Player. I enjoyed testing, implementing, and seeing the tool in action. Being an intermediate to advanced user, I was able to set up the shortcode using YouTube identifying info and embedded it on our website. I enjoyed how the features of the plug-in: * Displays the transcript of the video as an optional pop out which is a very nice touch; * Controls provide clear info for user captions; * Rabbit and turtle icons to speed up or slow down playback; * Fullscreen, audio, and settings button with the later allowing for controlling caption display My only critique (which could easily bump the plugin up to 5 stars) would be that for ease of use or considering basic WordPress users will struggle to identify the YouTube information to plug into the shortcode. Making this an input field where you could simply paste a URL would be a big UX/user benefitting ease of use and adoption. Keep up this important work.
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  • Update Able Player to 4.5.0, while retaining 4.4.1 scripts.
  • Make scripts sensitive to SCRIPT_DEBUG or wp_get_environment_type() for easier debugging.
  • Add unminified versions of CSS.
  • Add filters to customize JS and CSS urls.
  • Add filter documentation.
  • Add DEBUG constant.
  • Add activation and deactivation routines.
  • Update to WordPress PHPCS standards.
  • Add generated documentation of hooks at


  • Update Able Player to 4.4.1


  • Initial version