Enter an email address and available contact information is displayed:
- Photo
- Name
- Demographic information
- Personal interests
- Clickable social links (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, …)
- Recent Twitter updates
- Recent Plancast plans
- Optionally, emails the displayed contact information to any valid email address
Contact information provided by FullContact.
Email services provided by SendGrid.
Plugin Requirements:
- PHP 5.2.0 or greater.
- WordPress 2.8 or greater.
- cURL PHP extension (only if using the optional SendGrid emailer).
API Keys:
- REQUIRED: FullContact API key. To be entered on the RainmakerMoxie Plugin options page.
- OPTIONAL: SendGrid Username and API key. To be entered on the RainmakerMoxie Plugin options page.
Installation Instructions:
Upload the rainmakermoxie folder to:
Login to your WordPress admin dashboard.
Select the Plugins link.
Activate RainmakerMoxie.
Select click here to configure the Plugin
Configure the Plugin options:
- Enter your REQUIRED FullContact API key.
- Update any of the REQUIRED defaults: Max Tweets, Max Plancast Past Plans, Max Plancast Upcoming Plans, Sidebar Title.
- OPTIONALLY, enter your SendGrid Username and API key.
- Press the Save button to save the options.
Setup as a sidebar widget:
- Select the Widgets link.
- Drag RainmakerMoxie from Available Widgets into the Sidebar.
That’s it. Enjoy the RainmakerMoxie Plugin!
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Registre de canvis
1.1.9 : 2012-05-19
- Fixed social URLs ending in “/content” to not be displayed.
- Added social chicklet: disqus.
1.1.8 : 2012-05-19
- Updated API endpoint to support new verion of the FullContact API.
- Added Romanian language support, thanks to Alexander Ovsov of Web Geek Science and Web Hosting Geeks
1.1.7 : 2011-08-29
- Update registration link to go to new landing page.
- Added social chicklets: fullcontact, peerindex.
1.1.6 : 2011-08-08
- Updates: screenshot images, language files, fullcontact logo.
1.1.5 : 2011-08-07
- Update API key references to
1.1.4 : 2011-07-09
- On flickr social link urls, replace ‘people’ with ‘photos’ to point to photostream page.
1.1.3 : 2011-07-09
- Improved selection of gravatar photo to be from a “secure” url only.
1.1.2 : 2011-07-09
- Added social clicklet googleplus.
1.1.1 : 2011-07-04
- Do not attempt to append blank organization titles.
1.1.0 : 2011-07-03
- Sort displayed interests.
1.0.9 : 2011-07-03
- Added social clicklet
- Sort displayed social links.
1.0.8 : 2011-07-01
- appendSocialLinks(): Check for blank URLs before appending links.
- Added social clicklet livejournal, multiply, tripit, wordpress.
1.0.7 : 2011-07-01
- Social type: ignore ‘MySpace’, but still handle original ‘Myspace’.
- Added social clicklets klout, googlereader, soundcloud.
1.0.6 : 2011-06-30
- Moved sgUsername/sgApiKey out of if() block in displayAjaxForm().
1.0.5 : 2011-06-29
- Ignore duplicate ‘stack overflow’ social link creation.
- Reduce textbox width from 16em to 15.5em.
1.0.4 : 2011-06-28
- Updated all language localization files for updated strings.
- Split-up the “Rainmaker API key required” string into start + get_one_here_url + end.
1.0.3 : 2011-06-28
- Shortened textbox text for both boxes.
- Adjusted css textbox width (to 16em) and font-size (to .85) to optimize same-line spinner.
1.0.2 : 2011-06-27
- Updated css textbox properties to be in proportional em’s.
1.0.1 : 2011-06-27
- If Rainmaker API key was not entered, added sidebar link to “Get one here”.
1.0.0 : 2011-06-26
- Added Spanish(MX), German, and Italian language localization files.
- Released as version 1.0.0.
0.6.7 : 2011-06-24
- Created css textbox width property for cross-browser compatibility. Tested on Firefox, IE 7, and Safari.
0.6.6 : 2011-06-24
- Modified sidebar and email gravatar ALT and TITLE text to be contact name.
- Modified email attribution line from “Powered by Rainmaker” to “Powered by Rainmaker and SendGrid”.
- Now traps Rainmaker 403 return code (api key missing, invalid, or limit exceeded).
- Simplified “Tags:” in php and readme.
0.6.5 : 2011-06-23
- Added additional social link chicklets.
0.6.4 : 2011-06-22
- Fix to gracefully handle empty return buffer from Rainmaker.
0.6.3 : 2011-06-22
- Initial version.