Etiqueta d’extensions: divi
Supreme Modules Lite – Tema Divi, tema Extra i constructor Divi.
(102 puntuacions totals)L’extensió Lite del Divi Supreme millora l’experiència i les característiques del Divi i s’amplien amb mòduls creatius personalitzats per ajudar-vos a construir llocs web increïbles i elhellip;
Popups for Divi
(389 puntuacions totals)A quick and easy way to create Popup layers inside the Divi Visual Builder!
Divi Torque Lite – Divi Theme and Extra Theme
(113 puntuacions totals)Enhance Divi with advanced modules for faster website creation. Build your site effortlessly with powerful Divi modules!
Divi Carousel Lite – Image Carousel and Logo Carousel
(145 puntuacions totals)Divi Carousel Lite is the best alternative for creating a logo/image carousel in Divi.
Divi Forms Styler – Gravity Forms, Fluent Forms & Contact Form 7
(39 puntuacions totals)The Divi Forms Styler module for Divi Builder allows you to style your Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, and Fluent Forms.
Shortcodes for Divi
(7 puntuacions totals)Shortcodes for Divi by WP Zone Allows you to use Divi Shortcodes everywhere where text comes.
Simple Divi Shortcode
(21 puntuacions totals)Insert DIVI Library item inside module content or inside a php template by using a shortcode.
Breadcrumbs Divi Module
(13 puntuacions totals)A simple lightweight plugin that adds a breadcrumbs module in the Divi theme.
Surbma | Divi & Gravity Forms
(21 puntuacions totals)Responsive Divi form styles for Gravity Forms.
Image Carousel Module for Divi
(14 puntuacions totals)This plugin add an image carousel module to the Divi theme.
Category Ajax Filter
(148 puntuacions totals)Filter blog posts/custom post types by custom taxonomy/category without page reload and with pagination too. It has different filter and post layouts.
Flip Cards Module For Divi
(29 puntuacions totals)A simple plugin that adds a flip cards module in the Divi builder.
Before + After Images for Divi
(9 puntuacions totals)Create before-and-after image sliders in the Divi Visual Builder easily.
WP Tools Gravity Forms Divi Module
(6 puntuacions totals)A versatile divi module to integrate gravity forms with divi theme builder. Create custom-designed forms for your website using wide-range of style cu …
Exclusive Divi Modules for Divi Theme, Divi Builder and Extra Theme
(1 puntuacions totals)ExclusiveDivi plugin comes with creative modules that works with Divi page builder to give you a familiar designing environment with additional elemen …
Overlay Image Divi Module
(13 puntuacions totals)A simple lightweight plugin that adds a new module in the Divi theme that allows you to create images with text on them. The text is revealed when you …