

Aquesta extensió s’ha tancat a partir de 26 de juliol de 2023 i no està disponible per a la seva descàrrega. Motiu: Incompliment de les directrius.


4 de setembre de 2018 1 resposta
I was looking for a good, free system and found it using WPBooking. It’s flexible and straight forward. I did made some code-changes to get everything 100% custom to our property, but that also was easy to do. I recommend WPBooking as a basic feature or if you can program as a good base. PS: I dropped one star because of some little errors in the code which I had to fix
7 de agost de 2018 1 resposta
This product’s premiere version is sold at makiplace.com. They have been running a flash sale and when the time runs out, the continue the sale. This is 100% scam. We also requested a refund based on the 30-day guarantee they had when we purchased it and they changed it to a 7-day. It’s important to be able to trust the plugin developers we decided to invest. I don’t recommend buying this plugin due to their unethical selling practices.
5 de febrer de 2018 1 resposta
I was looking for a lot of plugins that allow me to run a group of hotels and most of the plugins I found support the use of one hotel only and lack many characteristics, and finally found this plugin was the perfect solution
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«WP Booking» és programari de codi obert. La següent gent ha col·laborat en aquesta extensió.
