Aquesta extensió no s’ha provat en les darreres 3 versions majors del WordPress. Segurament no està mantinguda o suportada, i pot tenir problemes de compatibilitat quan s’usa en versions recents del WordPress.

WriteToThem Widget


Now completely written for WordPress v3.4.2 this plugin provides a great little widget for giving your visitors the opportunity to write to their political representatives using just their postcode.

Just install, go to Appearance > Widgets and drag the new widget to your sidebar – voila!


  1. Install the plugin
  2. Go to Appearance > Widgets
  3. Drag the widget to your sidebar
  4. Customise the options and hit Save
  5. View your site where you’ll see your new widget!


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Col·laboradors i desenvolupadors

«WriteToThem Widget» és programari de codi obert. La següent gent ha col·laborat en aquesta extensió.


Registre de canvis


  • Re-wrote for WP 3.4.2 compatibility using WP_Widget Class
  • Added translation support